Sunday 8 July 2012

Webinar - Reluctant Writers

I viewed the webinar for reluctant writers this evening. I thought this was a pretty interesting way to learn about a variety of apps to use in the classroom, all while enjoying a glass of red wine...haha. There were a number of apps that I can picture using in my classroom. I understand that these apps can be used in any classroom for students with varying levels of ability. However, for the purpose of this post I will focus on apps that I can see using my classroom (grade 8 English) as of today, without knowing my future students!
  1. Writing Toolbox - this app would be useful for individual kids to have, or for me to use for all students as a teaching tool. It helps with all stages of the writing process. It helps with generating ideas, spelling, grammar, parts of the story (character, plot, setting, etc.) In preparing for our short presentation for Tuesday's class I found this demo on using the Writer's Toolbox which was quite helpful.
2. Pictello - I could use this app as a way to help any student create a visual representation of theri knowledge. It could also be used for journaling, getting to know each other, pre-writing, etc. The following video demonstrates a way of using Pictello. In it the young girl is learning about the importance of understanding what a fence means in her daily routine:

3.  Dragon - Finally, a way to use Dragon in a more accessible (and free) way. This will certainly be helpful to any student who prefers to provide answers, ideas, etc. orally.

4.  ReelDirector - My students love to create films. I have them create films as book reviews, public service announcemnets (for persuasive tasks) and topic reviews for history. This app will again make this type of task easy to do!

5.  Instant Poetry - I already use magnetic poetry in my classroom to help with generating ideas for reluctant writers. This app makes it even more accessible.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Stephanie! Personally I like a little merlot with my webinars;)
